Friday, August 28, 2009

Sherry Thomas Artist Statement 2009

Discovering my love for oil painting, combined with my forty-five years of Bible School classes for children, led me to a new goal of illustrating Bible characters for future children's books. As Moses, Daniel, Sarah, and others have marched into my field of vision, they have also become my friends. I think about their lives and struggles as I research backgrounds, cultural facets, and clothing of the era.
As each painting progresses and a form emerges from my brush, I feel a person being "born" in hues of flesh and eyes of light. Inspiration for each Bible character has arrived in various ways. A glimpse of a white beard, a dark complexion, or a mid-eastern dress has led to ideas for my illustrations. Live models, photographs, and sketches capture natural poses conveying messages of a character's moment in Biblical history.
Utilizing some of the glazing methods of Rembrandt and Nerdrum has helped my portraits to also emanate a glow of light. Sky and clouds become ominous with a glaze of umber and blue. The darkness of a woolen tent interior is formed with umber, blue and black glaze over a preliminary red oil substrate. Oil highlighting is brushed in bold over strokes of lighter tones, lifting the topography of a face or garment and illuminating areas that have been touched by the sun or candlelight.
Humanizing the men and women of God's Word and revealing the emotions and faith of God's people strengthens my own faith. Children's Biblical literature is lacking in professional renderings that can stir one's imagination of the reality of God's Word. It is my hope that children and adults may glean a further insight into the message of God through my illustrations.

1 comment:

The Unlikely Homeschooler said...

Just stumbled on your blog and I have to tell you as a Mommy, homeschooler, and Bible class teacher (with my MRS from FHU) you are so so right about Children's Biblical literature!! I think your goal is a good one!! Your work is beautiful!